Sunday 10 October 2010

Well, It's about bloggy time!

Ok so I have been absoloutely terrible with keeping my blog up-to-date, and one doesn't have to speculate much to find procrastination at the heart of this post.

Instead of the boring diary-like crap like "I bought some socks in Primark today" and "My dissertation sucks"(although you will indeed hear much about this over the coming months...), I thought I'd include some pictures and videos (if I can technologically handle it) that make me literally lol.

I guess its slightly reflective of my boredom/general contentedness with life, things are going really well, im working hard, playing harder and have so many great friends. I'm mentally bubble wrapping myself for this winter, protecting myself from the cold, dark days with lots and lots of fun.

Hope this cheers you up too:

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