Sunday 18 April 2010

...and she also said the same

I am in Naples, visiting my friend Liz. I am absolutely loving it!!! The weather is really good, though it is overcast today to be fair, but it has been gorgeous. Spent some time down by the sea and round on the amalfi coast too, gorgeous!!
I love basking in the sun soooo much!!!!

I have a telephone job interview on tuesday, in French, i am sooo nervous.. Its just for reception/waitressing in a holiday camp for 3 months. If I get it then I can technically complete my year abroad requirements which will be fantastic news. So fingers crossed!!

I have met some great people in Naples, we have shared so many laughs (that phrase is a bit middle aged/like a kodak advert(?)) anyway, I have decided that laughter and sunshine are two of my favourite things. If that sounds really corny I'm sorry, but Im just having SUCH a good time at the moment!! Im making Liz and Charlie an aubergine and robiola lasagne tonight, got some red wine, its all good..

We just watched the film 'Party Monster' and I recommend it!! If you're interested you can google it to see what its about, I don't feel as if I should write a full synopsis been as if you're reading this you're already a) an internet user and or b) bored/have spare time.

I am getting myself all political, and have enjoyed deciding who I'm going to vote for, though I do need to read the manifestos to double check things, need to get on that really. I'm really proud of our generation, from the facebook and twitter feedback it seems that alot of people have an opinion and care, I just hope they all organised themselves enough to actually be in a position to vote.

In other news, I am on a daily basis more and more sure that I have some mild OCD and or Autism (I really apologise if you or someone you know suffers with these in a serious way, and this offends you) but, I definitely have some weird complexes.
For example: what I call "all or nothing" the need to have a bit of everything, this can affect trivial things like pizza toppings, or make me obsessed with needing to know the ins and outs of an event, or reading a book, seeing the film, seeing documnetaries, reading about the people etc etc... I get a bit obsessed. This is also displayed with my obsession with rice - that every single grain must be cleared from the plate and surrounding area.
Another problem I have is with sudden loud noises which often induce an unecessary scream from me, and has made me despise people sneezing.

Anyway that was a random snippet from my life, Im not weird or anything, I think. Not too weird anyway. Its just these things have been quite noticeable as Ive met new people here, and it seemed like they needed a mention.

To explain the blog title: Liz told me a story of when they taught a german friend to play "that's what she said" and he didn't quite grasp the concept, and anyway ended up saying "and she also said the same" which has turned into a phrase in its own right now with us. NB has to be said in a german accent.

I don't know if I'll be able to get back to the UK tomorrow because of Eyjafjallajokull - yes that is the volcano in Iceland's actual name. So we'll see what this next weeks holds in-store for me...

Miss Spontaneity.

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